The /holdings endpoint allows you to access all of your holdings in one list (no pagination). These are the same holdings that are in your portfolio and you are earning both principal and interest on. Holdings may be whole or fractional loans based on the account type.
The main endpoint /holdings will return a list of all holdings you currently own as well as some high level information. This information may be used to drill deeper into your holdings and the payments of those holdings.
Returns a list of all holdings that you have purchased and that have settled into your account
"_embedded": {
"holdings": [
"id": "d0a42o2e-e116-4c4f-be7e-65155d044d61",
"loan_id": "957826be-ba75-4cb6-97f4-27c3o09b451a",
"loan_name": "Hermann-Schumm",
"loan_amount": 28900000,
"interest_rate": 0.081,
"purchased_date: "2015-11-21T08:41:04.186Z",
"term_months": 48,
"original_principal_cents": 28900000,
"remaining_principal_cents": 28900000,
"status": "defaulted",
"days_past_due": 0,
"days_past_due_synced_at": "2016-12-07T02:32:57.583+00:00",
"_links": {
"financials": {
"href": ""
"payments": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
Key | Data Type | Description |
id | STRING | The unique identifier of the holding |
loan_id | STRING | The loan that this holding is a part of (for fractional loans) |
loan_name | STRING | The name of the loan |
original_principal_cents | INTEGER | The original amount of the loan not including interest and fees. |
remaining_principal_cents | INTEGER | The amount of principal on the loan that has not yet been repaid |
status | STRING | The delinquency status of the loan |
days_past_due | INTEGER | Days past due. |
days_past_due_synced_at | STRING | Timestamp UTC. |
loan_amount_cents | INTEGER | The amount of the loan |
term_months | INTEGER | The term of the loan |
interest_rate | DECIMAL | The interest rate of the loan |
purchased_date | STRING | The time the holding was purchased |
Appending the UUID of the listing you are interested in, will give you more information about that specific loan.
"website_url": null,
"outstanding_debt_monthly_payment_cents": null,
"owed_investor_fee_cents": null,
"loan_information_notes": null,
"purchased_date": "2015-07-15T23:11:33.768Z",
"loan_settlement_date": "2015-07-15T23:12:10.041Z",
"date_of_business_bankruptcy": null,
"equity_contribution": 0.025,
"years_of_operation": 55,
"defaulted_date": "2015-07-01",
"industry": "Public Administration",
"loan_name": "Hermann-Schumm",
"business_name": "",
"owed_interest_cents": null,
"state": "NH",
"origination_date": "2015-02-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"total_outstanding_debt_cents": null,
"debt_coverage_ratio": 4.29,
"who_are_we": "Profit-focused optimal moratorium",
"business_bankruptcy": null,
"state_of_incorporation": null,
"remaining_principal_cents": 28900000,
"interest_rate": 0.1399,
"number_of_employees": 2,
"status": "defaulted",
"credit_rating": "B",
"business_financials_notes": "",
"id": "d0a42o2e-e116-4c4f-be7e-65155d044d61",
"ownership_percentage": 59.100204498977504,
"part_of_franchise_network": false,
"asset_coverage_ratio": 3.25,
"loan_amount_cents": 48900000,
"total_cost_cents": 28900000,
"term_months": 24,
"loan_id": "957826be-ba75-4cb6-97f4-27c3o09b451a",
"accrued_interest_days": 0,
"use_of_funds": [
"mesh scalable applications"
"original_principal_cents": 28900000,
"credit_score_date": "2015-07-06",
"accrued_interest_cents": 0,
"_links": {
"financials": {
"href": ""
"payments": {
"href": ""
"self": {
"href": ""
"naics_code": "NAICS 42",
"number_of_guarantors": 5,
"reason_for_borrowing": "matrix web-enabled metrics",
"maturity_date": "2017-02-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"dba_name": "Hermann-Schumm",
"credit_score": 640,
"days_past_due": 0,
"days_past_due_synced_at": "2016-12-07T02:32:57.583+00:00"
Key | Data Type |
asset_coverage_ratio | DECIMAL |
accrued_interest_days | INTEGER |
accrued_interest_cents | INTEGER |
accrued_interest_at_purchase_cents | INTEGER |
accrued_interest_at_purchase_days | INTEGER |
business_bankruptcy | BOOLEAN |
business_name | STRING |
business_financials_notes | STRING |
city | STRING |
credit_rating | STRING |
credit_score | INTEGER |
credit_score_date | STRING |
date_of_business_bankruptcy | STRING |
dba_name | STRING |
debt_coverage_ratio | DECIMAL |
defaulted_date | STRING |
equity_contribution | DECIMAL |
id | STRING |
industry | STRING |
interest_rate | DECIMAL |
loan_amount_cents | INTEGER |
loan_id | STRING |
loan_information_notes | STRING |
loan_name | STRING |
loan_settlement_date | STRING |
maturity_date | STRING |
naics_code | STRING |
number_of_employees | INTEGER |
number_of_guarantors | INTEGER |
original_principal_cents | INTEGER |
origination_date | STRING |
outstanding_debt_monthly_payment_cents | INTEGER |
ownership_percentage | DECIMAL |
owed_investor_fee_cents | INTEGER Note: This will almost always be null. |
owed_interest_cents | INTEGER |
part_of_franchise_network | BOOLEAN |
purchased_date | STRING |
reason_for_borrowing | STRING |
remaining_principal_cents | INTEGER |
state | STRING |
status | STRING |
state_of_incorporation | STRING |
term_months | INTEGER |
total_cost_cents | INTEGER |
total_outstanding_debt_cents | INTEGER |
use_of_funds | ARRAY OF STRINGS |
website_url | STRING |
who_are_we | STRING |
years_of_operation | DECIMAL |
days_past_due | INTEGER |
days_past_due_synced_at | STRING Timestamp UTC. |
Adding financials will return the business financial information that was provided by the borrower when they submitted the application as well as information that Funding Circle has added (such as a credit_rating) to provide more context to the loan.
This endpoint may contain multiple years worth of financial information, broken down by each year.
"_embedded": {
"financials": [
"total_liabilities_cents": 92300000,
"net_profit_cents": -56200000,
"pp_and_e_net_cents": 17500000,
"total_equity_cents": 942000000,
"wages_cents": 100000000,
"shareholder_loans_cents": 45600000,
"other_current_assets_cents": 12000000,
"loans_outstanding_cents": 20100000,
"cost_of_goods_cents": 25000000,
"interest_expenses_cents": 1200000,
"cash_cents": 60000000,
"ebitda_cents": -42500000,
"other_expenses_cents": 14800000,
"earnings_before_expenses_cents": -43700000,
"depreciation_and_amortization_cents": 2000000,
"accounts_receivable_cents": 25000000,
"gross_revenue_cents": 120000000,
"operating_expenses_cents": 149800000,
"current_assets_cents": 97000000,
"other_liabilities_cents": 1000000,
"statement_source": null,
"officers_salaries_cents": 10000000,
"gross_profit_cents": 107300000,
"total_long_term_assets_net_cents": 24500000,
"short_term_liabilities_cents": 25600000,
"general_administrative_expenses_cents": 25000000,
"taxes_cents": 3000000,
"total_assets_cents": 121500000,
"provided_for_year": "2014-10-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"goodwill_and_other_intangibles_net_cents": 500000,
"other_long_term_assets_cents": 6500000,
"extraordinary_items_cents": 7500000
"total_liabilities_cents": 92300000,
"net_profit_cents": -56200000,
"pp_and_e_net_cents": 17500000,
"total_equity_cents": 942000000,
"wages_cents": 100000000,
"shareholder_loans_cents": 45600000,
"other_current_assets_cents": 12000000,
"loans_outstanding_cents": 20100000,
"cost_of_goods_cents": 25000000,
"interest_expenses_cents": 1200000,
"cash_cents": 60000000,
"ebitda_cents": -42500000,
"other_expenses_cents": 14800000,
"earnings_before_expenses_cents": -43700000,
"depreciation_and_amortization_cents": 2000000,
"accounts_receivable_cents": 25000000,
"gross_revenue_cents": 120000000,
"operating_expenses_cents": 149800000,
"current_assets_cents": 97000000,
"other_liabilities_cents": 1000000,
"statement_source": null,
"officers_salaries_cents": 10000000,
"gross_profit_cents": 107300000,
"total_long_term_assets_net_cents": 24500000,
"short_term_liabilities_cents": 25600000,
"general_administrative_expenses_cents": 25000000,
"taxes_cents": 3000000,
"total_assets_cents": 121500000,
"provided_for_year": "2013-08-01T00:00:00.000Z",
"goodwill_and_other_intangibles_net_cents": 500000,
"other_long_term_assets_cents": 6500000,
"extraordinary_items_cents": 7500000
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
Key | Data Type |
accounts_receivable_cents | INTEGER |
as_of_date | STRING |
cash_cents | INTEGER |
cost_of_goods_cents | INTEGER |
current_assets_cents | INTEGER |
depreciation_and_amortization_cents | INTEGER |
earnings_before_expenses_cents | INTEGER |
ebitda_cents | INTEGER |
extraordinary_items_cents | INTEGER |
general_administrative_expenses_cents | INTEGER |
goodwill_and_other_intangibles_net_cents | INTEGER |
gross_profit_cents | INTEGER |
gross_revenue_cents | INTEGER |
interest_expenses_cents | INTEGER |
loans_outstanding_cents | INTEGER |
net_profit_cents | INTEGER |
officers_salaries_cents | INTEGER |
operating_expenses_cents | INTEGER |
other_current_assets_cents | INTEGER |
other_expenses_cents | INTEGER |
other_liabilities_cents | INTEGER |
other_long_term_assets_cents | INTEGER |
pp_and_e_net_cents | INTEGER |
shareholder_loans_cents | INTEGER |
short_term_liabilities_cents | INTEGER |
statement_source | |
taxes_cents | INTEGER |
total_assets_cents | INTEGER |
total_equity_cents | INTEGER |
total_liabilities_cents | INTEGER |
total_long_term_assets_net_cents | INTEGER |
wages_cents | INTEGER |
Using the /payments endpoint will show all of the payments that have been made on a given loan.
"_embedded": {
"total_interest_paid_cents": 0,
"total_principal_paid_cents": 0,
"count_of_payments_made": 0,
"payments": [
"status": "scheduled",
"principal_cents": 1050509,
"interest_cents": 336925,
"settled_at": null,
"investor_fee_cents": 24084,
"total_cents": 1411518,
"due_date": "2015-03-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"period": 1
"status": "scheduled",
"principal_cents": 1062758,
"interest_cents": 324679,
"settled_at": null,
"investor_fee_cents": 23208,
"total_cents": 1410645,
"due_date": "2015-04-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"period": 2
"status": "scheduled",
"principal_cents": 1075147,
"interest_cents": 312289,
"settled_at": null,
"investor_fee_cents": 22322,
"total_cents": 1409758,
"due_date": "2015-05-04T00:00:00.000Z",
"period": 3
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": ""
Key | Data Type | Description |
count_of_repayments_made | INTEGER | Shows how many payments were completed |
due_date | STRING | The date this payment is due |
interest_cents | INTEGER | The portion of the payment that is in interest |
investor_fee_cents | INTEGER | The amount of the payment that goes towards paying the investor |
period | INTEGER | The number of the payment period based on the schedule of payments |
principal_cents | INTEGER | The portion of the payment that is principal |
total_cents | INTEGER | The total amount of the payment |
status | INTEGER | The state that the payment is in |
settled_at | STRING | Shows the date that the payment was finalized |
total_principal_paid_cents | INTEGER | The total amount of principal on the loan that has been repaid |
total_interest_paid_cents | INTEGER | The total amount of principal on the loan that has been repaid |